The planet of Gor does not have marriage, but has Free companionship. It's the signing of a contract, between a Free Man and Free Woman, for the duration of one year. If, at the end of that time, both parties wish to continue, the contract is renewed.
For a Free Woman, realize that you are now under your FC. You have entrusted
to now protect you. He will take care of you. But you also lose some of
the freedom
you have acquired, as he is Your FC. His word does become your law. An
FC can be
chained to the end of the bed, usually the Free Woman is the one chained
When you have found the one you feel you want to FC with, there is normally
announcement made, in channel, that you are commencing to court. During
time, really get to know your partner. There is no set time limit for courting,
as it is
between the two of you. When you both decide this is what you want, you
will announce a date for
the ceremony.
Below is a sample contract feel free to add, delete, change wording as
it fits your needs. This is
ONLY a sample, a guideline.
After you make your contracts, then you need to make your ceremony preparations.
You need someone to Officiate it, decide if anyone is standing with you,
who is
walking the Free Woman to the Free Man, what type of ceremony you want.
are three examples of ceremonies, which you may choose to use or you may
your own, keeping in mind that the MOST important part is the signing of
Contract between (insert both names)Date
I, as [your name] of [city], have the following possessions which I bring into this
List your possessionsTo you [name of your soon to be FC], I pledge these things:
1. To be faithful to you and our Free Companionship
2. To uphold your honor
3. To protect you and heal you in times of need
4. To share with you the ownership of my slaves and my homes
5. To honor you above all men
6. To bring honor to your name and our joined households
7. To respect you, [enter FC's name], as my Companion and as my protector
8. To discuss with him any acquisition of new property
9. That I share with you, [enter FC's name], the decision and responsibility, with
slaves, of any harsh punishments, branding, tattooing, and piercing.
10. To love you as my FC, lover, friend, and Brother through the bad times as well as the good times.
This contract is for one year and it is to be renewed at the end of the year if we both so agree.
Your name and city
In order to assure the continuance of the family line as well as the financial security and well-being of her household, every Gorean freewoman is expected to be willing to subject herself to the rigors of a politically motivated free companionship. In such a case, the family of the would-be female companion is typically presented with a pre-arranged "bride price" upon conclusion of such a union. Often the dowries of such wealthy females can be quite high, and the bride price which is required to attain such a companionship reflects that fact: before her enslavement, Talena, the daughter of the Ubar Marlenus of Ar, was said to be worth a thousand tarns... many high-born ladies can expect to bring as much as even one hundred tarns, which is a substantial addition to any city's tarn cavalry.
I would like to thank talender{CV}~R~ from the City of Victoria who composed the Gorean Calender for her permission to allow Me to use this page.